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Rapid testing available to everyone in England from 9th April

a person use an antigen diagnostic test device

closeup of a young caucasian man, sitting on a rocking chair in his living room, places his own sample into the covid-19 antigen diagnostic test device

The government has announced that from the 9th of April, everyone in England can access free and regular COVID 19 tests twice a week.

As society begins to reopen and people return to work, it is important that we get tested to help stop the spread of the virus.

What is happening and why is testing important?

Currently, rapid testing has only been available to those most in need – frontline workers, care staff and residents as well as schoolchildren.

Now that more people are to return to work, people will be encouraged to take regular tests to prevent outbreaks and the workplace and helping get the country back to a more normal way of life.

It is important to get testing as 1 in 3 people do not experience any symptoms of having the virus and may be spreading it without knowing.

What are rapid tests?

Rapid testing can be done anywhere, and results can be seen in 30 minutes. If done a test site, results will be sent via text or email within 2 hours.

Since rapid testing was introduced, over 120,000 positive cases have been identified through this method which wouldn’t have been found otherwise. This highlights the effectiveness of these tests.

How to get a rapid test

Over 100,000 businesses in England have registered interest to provide rapid testing facilities to their employees.

The regular testing will be delivered through:

You can read more about this announcement from the UK Government here.

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