lang="en-GB"> Stats Shortcodes • O’Brien Media Website Design
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Stats Shortcodes

You can replicate the Stats using the below shortcode:
[ pauple_helpie_frontend_stats ]
( without the spaces )

You can Set the Title using the below shortcode:
[ pauple_helpie_frontend_stats title=’xxxx’ ] ( without the spaces )
You can set any title as you wish.

You can Show or hide the Title using the below shortcode:
[ pauple_helpie_frontend_stats title=’xxxx’ show_title=’xxx’] ( without the spaces )
You can set it to true if you want to show and set it to false if you want to hide it.

You can set the number of columns  using the below shortcode:
[ pauple_helpie_frontend_stats num_of_cols=’xxxx’ ] ( without the spaces )
You can set it from one to four.

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