lang="en-GB"> envato-auto-update-helpie • O’Brien Media Website Design
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If you want to enable the Automatic Updates of Helpie Plugin,  you must first enter the API Personal Token generated by Envato. Remember, this personal token is not your purchase code.

To generate a Personal Token from Envato, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Envato Token Generator to create a Personal Token.
  2. Enter a Token Name, select I have read checkbox and click on “Create a new token”.
  3. Copy the Personal Token, select confirm checkbox and click on Woohoo Got It.

Before confirming the checkbox make sure you have checked the textboxes “View and Search Envato sites”, “Verify purchases of your items”, “List purchases you’ve made”, “Verify purchases you’ve made”.

4. Enter the previously generated Personal Token in the updates field in the Helpdesk dashboard (as seen in the screenshot above).

Once you enter that token, Automatic update functionality will be enabled where you will be notified of any updates of Helpie.

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