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Improving Brand Awareness with Social Media Is Easy in 8 Steps

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As consumers, we mention so many brand names when referring to the products they produce. “Cadburys”, “Nando’s”, “BMW”, “Tesco”, and others are among the examples we could mention. Product eponymization is the process of generalizing a brand’s name. As for brand awareness in general, it plays an integral role.

Where does brand awareness come from? In other words, it refers to how well a brand can be recognized under different circumstances.

Several brands have managed to become a part of our lives through their efforts over the years. Those companies have literally been everywhere thanks to billboards, TV commercials, and other advertising means.

Moreover, thanks to the widespread use of social media, communicating has become even easier. Just imagine having access to more than half of the world’s population.

The pluralistic nature of brands as well as fierce competition made it more challenging. Therefore, it’s important to use social media in a smart way to raise awareness of your brand.

Exactly how?

We’re going to cover exactly that in this blog.

  1. Conduct market research

Be sure you know your product well before you begin your brand promotion. The market is dominated by some brands that capture the biggest share of consumer attention. It doesn’t mean, however, that small businesses don’t belong on the market.

You need to know your target audience, their preferences, and what kind of product they need before you launch.

This will allow you to adapt your brand’s features and qualities to your target audience and set expectations accordingly. Furthermore, regardless of your business’s size, you will find your niche.

Consumer behaviour and preferences can be assessed using the internet these days.

Today, the internet provides a variety of opportunities for measuring consumer behaviour and preferences. Let me give you some examples:

Consumer preferences and searches can be determined through tools within the Google ecosystem, such as Google Keywords and Google Trends;

Use Google’s ecosystem tools such as Google Keywords and Google Trends to see consumer preferences and searches; Kickstarter campaign, where, among others, you can measure the interest in your product;

Examine competitor profiles on social media;

There is more to it:

You can find analytical features and in-depth research through online platforms such as Attest, Remesh and Qualaroo.

  1. Engaging content benefits everyone

In the whole process of enhancing brand awareness on social media, this part is the most rewarding

What’s the reason?

This is because we have already created a super-sized product and are now planning on promoting it through social media.

Your brand can benefit greatly from social media marketing. Through social media, your products can be exposed to 4.5 billion users in just a few clicks.

However, showcasing your products to half the human population is as easy as getting lost in the crowd.

Engage your viewers with images, videos, reels, contests, and many other things. Using social media is an exciting experience.

  1. Make it humorous

During a stressful working day, I’m sure everyone looks for something amusing and relaxing. Businesses should focus on grabbing the attention of potential clients during this time period through humourous content.

  1. Partnerships

As well as technical features, social media apps allow you to work with influencers and collaborate with other brands.

Imagine the following:

By collaborating, you gain access to influencers’ large networks of followers, who will follow their social idols’ instructions.

  1. Use of tags & hashtags

Lastly, don’t overlook or ignore the importance of tagging and hashtagging. Check out the trending hashtags and tag your posts accordingly. Alternatives to hashtags include creating your own unique hashtags for your products or campaigns, as well as spreading and promoting them across platforms.

  1. Interact before they leave

Since we have already talked about collaborations and creating hashtags, there is no better time to discuss giveaways.

One of the best ways to increase social media brand awareness is to use giveaways, which allow you to spend less than you would on ads. Additionally, a giveaway can increase your number of followers if it is wisely planned. To learn more about how to run a giveaway, you can check out our ultimate giveaway guide.

You need to interact with your followers on a regular basis if you want a loyal following. Don’t ignore any feedback that comes your way. Make use of social media community groups to increase engagement.

  1. Participate on various social media platforms

You can build awareness for your brand in other places than Instagram and Facebook.

Consider going across different platforms. You may reach out to GenZ via TikTok, for example. You can use LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the community. In contrast, email marketing will help you find and warm up the bigger fish in your ocean through gradual contact.

It is important to be cautious, as different platforms require different types of content. For instance, a fun video uploaded on LinkedIn will undermine your professionalism. Nevertheless, it will greatly affect your TikTok activities.

Infographics are popular on LinkedIn and Twitter. Consider including them in your content calendar.

  1. Marketing agency specializing in social media

The aphorism “time is money” is probably familiar to you. There is no doubt that time is the most valuable resource we have all been undermining.

The problem is this:

By entrusting some of your daily tasks to professionals, you can accomplish so much more. And I don’t just mean random relatives. Almost any process can be outperformed or assisted by specialists via the internet these days.

If you are interested in this, Fiverr, Upwork, or LinkedIn might be of assistance.

We at O’Brien Media are always ready to assist if you want just one agency to handle all your social media needs.

Ultimately, you should focus on social media brand awareness enhancement today. It might look sophisticated as a process, but believe me, you will learn as you go.

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