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This list of signs it’s time for a new website will blow your mind

Programmer working in a software develop company office

Developing programming and coding technologies. Website design. Programmer working in a software develop company office.

Every business needs an effective website. It is the hub of all of your online marketing activities. Without an effective website, you will never see significant results from any online advertising campaign. This list of signs that it’s time for a new website design will blow your mind.

1. Your website design is not generating revenue, sales or leads

Your website is not generating any conversions. If your website receives traffic, but no conversions, this is a problem. Your website could be missing something critical that is turning your website visitors off.

2. Your website design is outdated

You have not designed your website since dial-up Internet was the only way to get online. Or, you have a new website that looks like a website made in those times.

As time progresses, consumer tastes and preferences change. If your website design is outdated and does not make a good impression, prepare for the exit button. Your website is never finished, forever. Make gradual improvements to your website design over the years to keep up the times.

3. Your website design does not make a good first impression

First impressions are everything. The truth is that you only have 3 seconds to make an impression on a website visitor. If your website does not make a good impression within this time frame, you will likely miss opportunities.

4. Your website is not trustworthy or credible

Your website is not trustworthy. It looks sketchy. People are afraid to buy anything on your website, because “they don’t know who you are”. Poor website designs can dramatically increase this feeling.

48% of people believe website design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business. These statistics are not made-up. Your website design is the reason people are converting, or not converting on your website.

5. Your website has a high bounce rate

Your website has a high bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. In other words, people are exiting your website as soon as they enter it. The only way you would be able to find out your bounce rate is by using a website analytics provider, such as Google Analytics.

The average bounce rate for most websites ranges between 40-50%. Though, this varies across different industries. Your goal should be to have the lowest bounce rate possible. Low bounce rates indicate that visitors find your website to be valuable. Therefore, the lower bounce rate you have, the more opportunities you have to increase sales. A more effective website design can decrease your bounce rate and increase your conversions.

6. Your website has a low time-on-site

Your website visitors do not stay on your website long. Your website is turning people off. They are not finding what they are looking for. This could mean that your website is complicated, confusing, or just ineffective.

A more effective website design will likely increase your time-on-site. The longer people stay on your website, the more value they are finding on it. The more value you offer your website visitors, the more likely they will convert.

7. Your website design is not mobile-friendly

Your website is not mobile-friendly. You don’t even know if your website is mobile-friendly because you never visit your website on your mobile device. Your website visitors are having a hard time navigating through your website. In fact, you look through your analytics and notice that none of your conversions come from mobile devices. Is this you?

50% of all internet users are using mobile devices. 46% of all people who use mobile devices reported difficulties in navigating websites. An effective website design a website that focuses on the desktop, and mobile experience.

9. Your website is not responsive

Your website is not responsive. Responsive websites will expand to the full screen of whichever device you are using. Typical devices are desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Unresponsive websites can leads to some of the signs we’ve mentioned above. It can cause high bounce rates, low time-on-site, and no conversions.

In order to offer the best website experience to your visitors, your website must be responsive. This is a non-negotiable feature of your website. Your visitors will be accessing your website on various devices and if you want to maximize your conversions, you need a responsive website.

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