a drop of water from a tap

Is your website homepage leaky?

They say you should never judge a book by its cover but sometimes you just can’t help it, right? When it comes to your website’s home page, you should judge away because you’re likely missing out on a large number of leads and sales.

After all, your home page is most often the first web page someone engages with. The majority of your inbound home page traffic is coming from and to here. It sets the tone for the rest of your website and it’s often a potential customer’s first impression of your business —and we all know first impressions count.

Because it’s so prominent, it’s important to optimise it for the desired “next action” you want your audience to take… (I.e. a contacting you, buying an item, or even perhaps watching a product demo.)

If you’ve taken a closer look at your home page and don’t absolutely love what you see, don’t panic just yet. Knowing you need to take action is a huge first step.

Determine the primary goals of your home page

When it comes to your home page, one of the most important things you can do is to understand your main purpose and set goals.

Think about these questions:

  • What do you want your home page to accomplish?
  • How do you anticipate achieving these goals?
  • What’s your process for measuring these goals?

No matter your answers to these questions, you’ll appreciate taking the time to think about the answers because they all help you get to the bottom of your home page goals. If you want your home page to educate your customer, that helps dictate your format. If your main goal is to collect email addresses, you’ll need a compelling call-to-action.

Your goal is your decision but once you’ve determined it, you need to create a page that sets you up for success.

Here’s an example:

What do you want your home page to accomplish?

ANSWER: Create brand awareness and funnel visitors to converting lead pages.

How do you anticipate achieving these goals?

ANSWER: Creating compelling, customer-centric content and adding an alert bar prompting readers to take important actions

What’s your process for measuring these goals?

ANSWER: Homepage referral conversions and share of voice metrics

Next steps…

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