Drupal 7
Customising the default "Submitted by..." text used in Drupal 7 is pretty simple, and just required a single edit to your theme's template file. Go to your ./themes/yourtheme folder and open the template.php file in your text editor. Add the function below at the end of the template.php file (remember to replace "yourthemename" with the actual name of your theme). '!datetime' => $vars , )); }...
Read More Remove “All Day” from Date field output in Drupal 7
We use the Date module for Drupal for a lot of the sites we develop, some require a date to be displayed, for example in a listing of events or "dates for your diary" but don't want to list a time or have the date listed as an "All Day" event. The answer is pretty simple, just add the below into your theme's template.php <?php function _date_all_day_label() { return ""; } ?>
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