Digital Marketing

In the current digital environment, where the internet seems flooded with content generated by artificial intelligence (AI), small businesses might feel compelled to keep pace with these technological developments. However, the "Dead Internet" theory suggests a different strategy could prove more advantageous. What is the Dead Internet Theory? The Dead Internet theory proposes that AI, rather...
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Master social media marketing to boost your business
If you're a small business owner, then you know how important it is to have a strong social media presence. In today's world, potential customers are increasingly turning to social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to find new businesses. This means that if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to make sure you're doing social media marketing right. Here are a few tips to...
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Using SMS Marketing Quickly & Practically
Despite being around for over 30 years, SMS has yet to be widely adopted by enterprises. Marketing campaigns have been using SMS in record numbers due to its role in 2-factor authentication. There are a number of ways in which SMS messages can be sent. It may be used by retailers to promote sales and events, remind shoppers of abandoned carts, or build brand loyalty. Businesses use it, on the...
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Don’t miss out! Spooky Super Sale on SEO Services and Social Media Marketing
I'll leave the puns for the likes of Argos and Amazon, but, like everyone and their dog (or cat!) we're running a Halloween offer (see, I could have said a spooktacular offer) that's nice and simple. Until midnight on Halloween (31st October 2021) we're offering 10% off on all of our Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) packages. Nice and simple. Just get in touch with...
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Take a look at the late-2019 edition of our Digital Marketing Portfolio
It's been a busy year so far for our web design and development team, with projects ranging from simple small business brochure websites to bespoke e-commerce websites. We're big fans of printed materials to complement digital marketing methods so we've put together a booklet showing some of the great projects we've been working on - you can download a digital copy or if you like something more...
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Searches starting “should I …” have grown over 65% in the past two years
Customers are researching early and often Today, people look to their phones for almost everything—from booking a restaurant to browsing for a new jacket, to learning about their digital banking options. They are looking for ideas and advice, researching every decision they make—no matter how small. For example, Google have found that mobile searches with the qualifier "should I ..." have...
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Mobile searches with the qualifier “for me” have grown over 60%
The fact is, people now want, and expect, information and advice relevant to their needs. People have realized that by being more specific in how they search, they can more quickly get to the information they’re looking for. A specialized pair of running shoes is one example. Shampoo for a certain type of hair is another. In fact, mobile searches for “shampoo for ____” are up 130% over the...
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Is your website homepage leaky?
They say you should never judge a book by its cover but sometimes you just can’t help it, right? When it comes to your website’s home page, you should judge away because you’re likely missing out on a large number of leads and sales. After all, your home page is most often the first web page someone engages with. The majority of your inbound home page traffic is coming from and to here. It...
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Why you should care about your About Us page
Learning how to write an About Us page may seem unimportant at first, but it can offer substantial benefits to your site and brand. By sharing details about your origins, mission, and team, an About Us page provides authenticity and humanizes your brand for visitors. This is an important step in building trust with the people who view your site. A trustworthy website encourages visitors to take...
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It’s Time to Give Your Business a Spring Clean
Spring is officially here and it’s time to deep clean, reorganise, and declutter everything from your closet to the garage. Giving your place a deep clean is a great way to revamp your surroundings and celebrate a transition into a new season. I love giving my house a spring cleaning because when my life is organised, I can accomplish more and feel less stressed doing so. You can also take...
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