Press Release

SME News Magazine have announced the winners of the 2019 Southern Enterprise Awards, and O'Brien Media have been awarded Best Mobile Friendly Web Design Firm - Wiltshire. With the number of businesses per person being higher in Southern England than anywhere else in the UK O'Brien Media was pitted against a wealth of award-worthy candidates. Strong in retail and wholesale markets, SME News seek...
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O’Brien Media are Cyber Essentials Certified via IASME and CyberSmart
The growing threat of cyber-related crime is quickly becoming a major concern for most organisations and business leaders. With regular reports of high-profile businesses falling victim to cybercrime across the globe, it’s the responsibility of every organisations to ensure they adequately protect themselves and their customers. What is Cyber Essentials? Cyber Essentials is a cybersecurity...
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Our very own cat dad has something to say about cat ownership gender stereotypes
News released today by the charity Cats Protection shows that men who like dogs are still seen as more masculine than those who like cats, even though owning either pet requires the same compassionate qualities. The findings came from a survey that asked 2,000 men to assign attributes to a man in two photos – one with a cat and one with a dog. The man with the dog was more likely to be seen as...
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Swindon’s O’Brien Media Among The Winners of the 2019 Designer Awards
Swindon, Wiltshire – The team at Swindon based website design agency O’Brien Media are pleased to have picked up two awards this year’s LUXlife Design Awards for the South West England region, Creative Design Agency of the Year 2019 & Award for Excellence in Web Design Services 2019. The Designer Awards focuses on quality, not quantity, and having won these awards for their work with...
Read More New client project management portal
To help our website design clients keep track of the progress of their project we're opening up our project management system to include access for clients. This will give clients the ability to see the stage their project is at, add messages and notes to project tasks, and see who's working on their project and when. We'll be sending out login details to clients with active projects over the...
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