Day: 4 February 2014
We use the Date module for Drupal for a lot of the sites we develop, some require a date to be displayed, for example in a listing of events or "dates for your diary" but don't want to list a time or have the date listed as an "All Day" event. The answer is pretty simple, just add the below into your theme's template.php <?php function _date_all_day_label() { return ""; } ?>
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New Website for Wiltshire Caterers Matter of Taste
Having provided website maintenance services for Wiltshire catering company Matter of Taste for the past few years we were asked to design a new website that would give proprietors Mike and Jean greater flexibility in the way information such as menus were presented and allow them to manage the site themselves. We replaced the existing static website with a new website running the Drupal content...
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