Electronic signatures, and signing documents digitally, has some great benefits

Why are e-signatures & trust services important? Businesses and individuals involved in commercial transactions or messaging activities need to have confidence in, and be trusting of, any communication that is sent in relation to that activity. This helps to ensure that documents sent electronically have not been altered in any way, that the sender can be easily recognised, and that the...
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Electronic Signatures and Records Disclosure

Disclosure Regarding Conducting Business Electronically, Receiving Electronic Notices and Disclosures, and Signing Documents Electronically Please read the following information, by proceeding forward and signing documents you are agreeing that you have reviewed the following consumer disclosure information and consent to transact business using electronic communications, to receive notices and...
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Allowing any users to add content

Are you looking for a way to let your users add content without giving them permission to your secret dashboard? Here it is, Helpie has a perfect medium like front-end editor where any users can add their content without the need to give them access to your back-end. How do I enable it? So simple enough, Just go to Dashboard -> Helpdesk -> Helpie settings -> Core -> Enable Front-end...
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How website software updates are more important than ever with the introduction of GDPR

Whatever software and plugins you use for your website, regular updates are needed to fix bugs, increase security, enhance and add features, and generally improve performance. If you don’t update your website software, you may have issues in areas of website performance such as page load speed and web browser compatibility, and your site will be at greatly increased risk of hacking. How you...
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Data Access Request for data held on our website

You can use the form below to request access to all personal data held on the O'Brien Media Limited website. This may include blog post comments, contact form submissions, and feedback provided about our website. Make your request Please enter the email address you wish us to search our website records for. Your data will be emailed to this address to ensure that only the owner of the email...
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Questions heading

/*! elementor - v3.15.0 - 09-08-2023 */ .elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title >a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading...
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Privacy policy: Public information, third party websites, and social media

Public information, third party websites, and social mediaOur blogWe have public blogs on our websites. Any information you include in a comment on our blog may be read, collected, and used by anyone.If your Personal Information appears on our blogs and you want it removed, contact us. If we are unable to remove your information, we will tell you why.Links to third-party websitesOur websites...
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DPO contact information

Our Data Protection Coordinator:Our data protection coordinator, Jenny O'Brien, can be reached via email at [email protected], by phone on 01793 239239, or by post at O'Brien Media, GDPR Compliance,  Suite 4, Marlborough House, 26 High Street, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 3EP.Our ICO registration number is ZB692196, under the name of Pembroke Digital Limited
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Privacy policy: Our use of third party service providers

Third-party servicesGenerally, third-party providers used by us will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us. In a digital economy, it is impossible to operate without the services provided by third-party service providers.Below is a list of third-party service providers we use, and how we use their...
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