Handling unwanted text message marketing – advice for recipients and senders

Unsubscribing from marketing text messages is a simple process. If you're tired of receiving unwanted SMS, follow these straightforward steps to regain control of your inbox. General Guidance for Consumers Common Commands: To unsubscribe, reply to the text message with "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE." Other commands that often work include "END," "QUIT," or "CANCEL." Confirmation: Once you send the...
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Unsubscribe from Text Messages in Just One Step

Unsubscribing from O'Brien Media SMS marketing messages To unsubscribe from SMS text message marketing from O'Brien Media just reply to the message with the keyword "STOP" ("UNSUBSCRIBE" works too) - our automated system will then unsubscribe you from all marketing messaging from O'Brien Media (SMS text messages, emails, and post). If you have deleted the message you can send the STOP command to...
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WooCommerce 9.1: Accessibility enhancements, product lookup optimisations, checkout styling, and more

WooCommerce has announced the release of version 9.1, packed with exciting features and enhancements. This update aims to streamline the shopping experience and improve store management, bringing several significant improvements and new functionalities. Enhanced Product Lookup Tables One of the standout features in WooCommerce 9.1 is the optimisation of product lookup tables. This feature,...
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aerial image of Swindon

Labour’s Election Victory: What It Means for Swindon’s Small Businesses

The recent general election has resulted in a significant shift in the UK’s political landscape, with the Labour Party achieving a landslide victory. This change has particularly affected Swindon, where long-standing Conservative MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland have been replaced by Labour’s Will Stone and Heidi Alexander. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Swindon,...
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Handling Unresponsive Registrars or Domains Registered to Registrars

Transferring a .uk domain can become particularly challenging if your current registrar is unresponsive or if the domain name is registered to the registrar itself. Here’s how to navigate these scenarios: Steps to Take If Your Registrar is Unresponsive: Direct Contact Attempts: Email and Phone: Try reaching out via all available communication channels, including email and phone. Support...
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Resolving “Your email was rejected because the sending mail server does not identify itself correctly (.local)”

The error message you’re encountering indicates that the sending mail server is identifying itself with a .local domain, which is not considered a valid public domain name. As a result, many receiving servers will reject the connection. To resolve this issue, the sending server needs to be configured to use a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that matches its public IP address. When a mail...
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Understanding the Trend of Rising in Hosting Prices: Our Responsible Approach for Small Businesses

In recent weeks, many website hosting companies, including well-known names like Bluehost, have been compelled to increase their prices. This shift can largely be attributed to the escalating costs of energy and hardware. As global energy prices soar and the demand for more advanced hardware intensifies, hosting providers are left with little choice but to pass some of these costs onto their...
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{ "hasten_theme_options ": { "value": "https://obrienmedia.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/banner-video.mp4", "type": "option", "user_id": 125, "date_modified_gmt": "2024-06-22 17:02:07" } }
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