Some great new Outlook 2016 features just landed for Office 365 subscribers

Some great new Outlook 2016 features just landed for Office 365 subscribers

If you’re a Microsoft Office 365 subscriber you’ll regularly get new and improved Office 2016 features. Take a look below to see the great new features available to you today.

A smarter To: line

When you click the To: line to address a message, we suggest recipients you’re likely to choose. Plus, you can see their picture so you know you’re sending to the right person.

Cloud attachments just got better

Now, when you save or drag and drop OneDrive attachments to your computer, we download the file for you.

Info about people and groups – at a glance

Profile cards show you the most relevany details, whether you’re on the desktop, the web, or using a mobile app.

Helpful counts improve accessibility

Turn on audio cues to guide you as you work. Find it in Options > Ease of Access. No add-on needed

Insert 3D models to see all the angles

Use 3D to increase the visual and creative impact of your email. Easily insert a 3D model, then you can rotate it through 360 degrees.