Data and Analytics

The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) recently made an important announcement that has significant implications for websites operating within the European Union (EU). According to their declaration, the use of Facebook's tracking pixel directly violates the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a comprehensive privacy law designed to safeguard the personal data of individuals within...
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What does Cookie Compliance look like in 2023
Are you prepared for the cookie compliance deadline in 2023? If not, don't worry - you're not alone. Many small business owners are struggling to understand what the new regulations mean for them and how to comply. In this blog post, we'll take a look at what you need to know about the deadline and how to get your business ready. The new EU cookie law comes into effect in 2023 The new EU cookie...
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Analytics and Web App Confusion as Privacy Shield Lies in Tatters
Before the world changed due to COVID-19, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) came into force back in 2018. This impacted businesses across all industries and implemented strict regulation on the storage and transfer of personal data, with heavy fines as punishment for non-compliance. Many cloud services, from those offered by Microsoft and Google to much smaller, niche services, are...
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Data protection post-Brexit: Information from the ICO
On the 31st January 2020 the UK left the European Union and enters the Brexit transition period. During this transition period, which runs until the end of December 2020, it will be business as usual for data protection and compliance according to the ICO. The ICO has confirmed that the GDPR will continue to apply. Businesses and organisations that process personal data should continue to follow...
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Europe’s top court rules tracking cookies need active consent
As part of a case between consumer groups in Germany and the website Planet49, Europe’s top court has ruled that pre-checked consent boxes, or assumed consent, for analytics and tracking cookies are not legally valid - in any circumstances and violate the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive. Consent for tracking and analytics cookies must be obtained prior to storing or accessing these non-essential...
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1991 to 2019 – How many websites are there now?
Today we've got an infographic from Statista, showing the number of websites online since the very first one was created back in 1991. When Yahoo! came online in 1994, there were 3,000 websites while there were 2.4 million when Google was launched in 1998. Back to the beginning - 1991 On 6 August 1991, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland published the first-ever website, the...
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The ICO has published updated guidance on the use of cookies and similar technologies
On 3 July 2019, the ICO published its updated guidance on the use of cookies and similar technologies. This came shortly after it updated the cookie consent collection mechanism on its own website. Much of the guidance is unsurprising and reflects what companies already do in practice. However, other parts of the guidance are likely to require many organisations to make changes to their current...
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[Infographic] A Minute on the Internet in 2019
A lot can happen in a minute. Sixty seconds can pass in the blink of an eye for someone mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or checking their email. Combine all those actions together and we have an extraordinary view of the life of the internet in a minute. According to data compiled by Lori Lewis and Officially Chadd on Visual Capitalist, and visualised by Statistica, a single internet...
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How not to back up your data & important information
Your customer files, your accounts, your website, your contacts, your designs, your images. Anything you can’t do without needs a safety net. Backing up isn’t just common sense – it could be a condition of your business insurance too. And not doing it the right way could mean your business insurance policy not paying out at the time you need it most. The good news is it’s easy. Back up,...
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Just like the crisps in your cupboard, your website has a best before date
Think your website might be outdated? Maybe it is. To continue generating leads and increasing sales it’s important to keep up with popular trends and regularly updating the elements of your website. If you notice your conversion rates are slipping, your website design could be the cause. 94% of people say that first impressions matter when they visit a business website, and the design will...
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