Find out the latest news from Google

Google has announced that it will no longer be using third-party cookies when tracking individual users across the web on their Chrome browser. They have said that digital advertising practices had to “evolve”. This article will give you an overview of what this means for you. What difference will this make to you? Third-party cookies allow for you to be tracked and ‘followed’ across the...
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Google rolling out a new core algorithm update today (4 May 2020)
Google has today confirmed that “Later today, releasing a broad core algorithm update, as do several times per year. It is called the May 2020 Core Update. guidance about such updates remains as we’ve covered before.” As of 20:50 GMT Google said the rollout has begun. It can take “about one to two weeks to fully roll out,” Google said. Whenever Google updates its search ranking...
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Google search commands to refine searches and become a Google Pro
Google Search has built-in commands to help users refine their queries and find more relevant results. Here are some you can utilize next time the results you’re seeing aren’t very useful: Search for an exact match: Put a word or phrase inside quotes. Combine searches: Put “OR” between each search query. Exclude words from search results: Put – in front of a word you want to leave...
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Google just gave Chrome users a great reason to stay with the browser
Google has given Chrome users plenty of reasons to quit its browser recently, including controversial changes, security problems, data concerns and rivals offering greater privacy. But now Google has introduced a great reason to stay. After a surprise release U-turn last month, Google has now rolled out Chrome 81 and it brings a wide roll-out of ‘Tab Groups’, the company’s biggest...
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Google’s roadmap to the end of the non-HTTPS web in Chrome
The latest update to the Chrome browser took another step forward towards creating a more secure web experience for users by forcing audio and video to use HTTPS connections or else be blocked. In ongoing efforts to protect users from unsafe downloads, Google’s developers have now laid the groundwork that will eventually result in non-secure downloads being blocked entirely by Chrome. On...
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Reminder: Google is changing the way websites work when viewed in Chrome from February 4th, 2020
Google Chrome is changing the way websites and cookies work by default. This is a courtesy reminder that web sites you use, if run in Chrome by you or your visitors, may not work as expected once Chrome 80 is released on February 4th, 2020. Prior to February 4th 2020, you should test to confirm if any updates are required to allow the continued normal operation of your website or web app.
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Urgent: Your website, and those you use, may not work in Chrome from February 4th, 2020
Chrome is changing the way websites and cookies work by default. In preparation for this change, we have updated our website analytics and our Midas Connector WordPress plugin. This is a courtesy notification that web sites you use, if run in Chrome, may not work as expected once Chrome 80 is released on February 4th, 2020. Prior to February 4th 2020, you should test to confirm if any updates are...
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Google is killing off Chrome apps, which nobody really used anyway
Today, Google shared an updated timeline for when Chrome apps will stop working on all platforms. June 2022 is when they’ll be gone for good, but it depends on which platform you’re on (via 9to5Google). Previously, we knew that Chrome apps someday wouldn’t work on Windows, macOS, and Linux, but today, Google revealed that Chrome apps will eventually stop working on Chrome OS, too. A Chrome...
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Google Chrome to receive a major update this week and here’s what’s new
Google will release Chrome version 79 this week. The firm’s Chrome Platform Status page says the update will start rolling out to all users on December 10. Chrome 79 has been in beta since the tail end of October, so we already have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Chrome is notorious for gorging away at your computer’s memory, CPU and battery life. Well it looks as though Google is...
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Google rolls out B.E.R.T Update – What does this mean for your website?
Last week Google began rolling out it’s biggest update since Rankbrain was released back in 2015. Their announcement on their Webmasters blog by vice-head of search Pandu Nayak claims that this update will affect 1 in 10 of all searches so it's pretty major news! What is B.E.R.T and how does it work? B.E.R.T stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Sounds...
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