If you'd like a free appraisal of your website, with advice on how it could be improved and a no-obligation quote to bring it up to date just drop us a line on hello@obrienmedia.co.uk or call freephone 0800 327 7540 (or 01793 230654 if you prefer!).

Kick-start the year with a new or updated website for your business #NewYearNewWebsite

With 2017 upon us now is a great time to take stock of your website and ask yourself if it is still working as hard for your business as you'd like? Customers like to see that businesses are keeping up with the latest digital trends, if your website feels dated to a customer there's a big risk they might go elsewhere! If you'd like a free appraisal of your website, with advice on how it could be...
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What is NAP and why is it essential for SEO?

NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. NAP is essential for businesses wishing to rank well in the local organic search results, because search engines like Google take NAP data into account when determining which companies to show for geographically targeted searches. What can businesses do with their NAP to boost their local search rankings? To start with, make sure that your NAP is...
Categories: SEO
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