
3 reasons why your website may not be converting visitors into paying customers…

How do you measure the success of your website? Conversion.

You could have heaps of visitors heading to your site, but those visits don’t really matter if you aren’t converting them into paying customers. All other traffic is essentially wasted.

Are you finding yourself with a lot of website visitor traffic, selling desirable services at competitive prices, but with very few paying customers? Then read on to find out why your site isn’t converting and what you can do about it.

Find out your current conversion rate

First things first, you should know your current conversion rate. Whether you measure your conversions by product purchases, service downloads, phone calls (yes, you can track these to a certain extent!), or newsletter signups: you need to be measuring and tracking those conversions regularly. You can track your conversion rate using Goals in Google Analytics, through our own analytics platform, or through any analytics tool of your choosing.

So, what’s considered a good conversion rate? The ideal rate is 2% to 3%. This rate could be higher or lower based on the value of the conversion (e.g. you’d have more difficulty converting customers if you’re selling products or services worth £5,000+). But if you’re having less than 2% conversion and your conversion value isn’t very high, then you might have a problem.

1. You’re Providing a Bad Mobile User Experience

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, there is no way it will survive in these times. It isn’t enough for your site to be responsive, it must be designed specifically for mobile in terms of content and structure. Failure to do so would mean marginalizing a substantial portion of your customer base and in turn decreasing your conversion rate.

But what does designing for mobile entail?

  • Using large and easily legible text
  • Using short paragraphs
  • Making sure that every key feature is just a tap away
  • Having just a single call-to-action

The key is to keep testing your mobile site. Perhaps you should even ask customers and family members for feedback on your site’s mobile experience. Afterwards, you should review what is working and what is not – and address those issues.

As long as you do not ignore the importance of having a good mobile experience for your site, you can easily determine the reason(s) your site is not converting.

2. No Strong Call to Action

Your website could be user-friendly with engaging and quality content, but without a clear and concise call-to-action, you simply won’t convert. Users may want to convert but just don’t have the opportunity or means to do so. Because you haven’t provided it.

Make your call-to-action clear, concise, prominent, specific and compelling. Provide all the information users need so they know exactly what you want them to do next. Create calls-to-action that are relevant and specific; and place them in a prominent place on every page of your site.

Whatever you do, make sure it is very easy for the user to convert when they are ready to.

3. Your Users Are Frustrated by Your Website

You may be missing out on conversion opportunities if there is something off-putting about your site. Look at your bounce rate, the number of visitors who leave after viewing only one page, if it is high you know there is something that is not appealing to users.

If this is the case, then you need to find out what the problem is – directly from the user. You may need to look at your user journeys using analytical tools, or perhaps ask users directly (e.g. via a quick survey).

A few common annoyances on websites:

  • You do not offer any useful information
  • Navigation is too difficult
  • You have too many ads or popups
  • Your site doesn’t look good

These are all problems with a rather easy fix. Take your time investigating them and fix the errors as soon as you can or call in the professionals to help re-work your website to increase conversions.