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The O’Brien Media Digital Insider Blog

Chris O'Brien

Microsoft’s mobile push notifications

Mobile Push Notifications for OneDrive for Business and SharePoint are now features of Microsoft's Office 365 solution. 

This new feature will allow Office 365 users to receive mobile push notifications when other people share files and folders with them from OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online. 

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Chris O'Brien

What are effects of not updating your site?

Previously, we've covered why it's essential to keep your WordPress website, plugins and themes up to date and the same rules apply to sites running any content management system (Drupal, Zencart, Joomla!, etc) but what if you don't? What, aside from the security implications, are there for your website? 

First of all, you're going to have to update your website software at some point, let me explain. You can’t keep running an old version of your site software forever.  Some day you’re going to want to use a new theme, and your new theme is going to require the latest version.  Or you’re going to install a new plugin or module, and it will require an update before you can even start the process. 

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Chris O'Brien

Keep your plugins and themes up to date

A question we get frequently from clients (and prospective clients) is “Do I need to install updates for WordPress, plugins, and my theme?” The answer is an unwavering  “Yes!“, and it’s because updates do the following:

  1. Increase the security of your website
  2. Fix bugs that could cause unintended behaviour of your website
  3. Add features and functionality to your site

Web applications such as WordPress are software, just like your operating system (Windows or Mac OS) or smartphone apps, and and in the same way you need to upgrade those periodically WordPress also needs some attention to keep it up to date and running at it's best. Let’s take a quick look at why keeping your WordPress website up to date is important.

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Branding & Marketing
Chris O'Brien

3 reasons why your business should have a client portal

Client portals can give companies a significant competitive edge by saving money through reduced overheads and streamlined business processes. Client portals also allow for a greater two-way flow of information for businesses looking to create stronger relationships with their clients, customers or partners. In this article, we'll cover the top three reasons why your business needs to introduce a client portal.

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Chris O'Brien

Upgrade today: WordPress 4.6 “Pepper” now available

The latest version of WordPress, version 4.6 (named “Pepper” in honor of jazz saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III), is now available to download via the WordPress website at wordpress.org. There are some exciting new features in WordPress 4.6 to help you to focus on the important parts of running your website along with enhancements to simplify some of the the day-to-day administrative tasks you perform on your website.

WordPress upgrade service

We can upgrade your WordPress website for you with our cost effective WordPress upgrade service. Contact us for more details or if you're an O'Brien Media website hosting customer you can view your Drupal version information and request an upgrade via Client Connect, just log in and access the "My products" section for more information. 

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