
5 advantages of email marketing

The meteoric rise in popularity of social media over recent years may have made you – and other business owners – wonder whether email marketing has had it's day. On the contrary, email marketing is still a powerful tool. If you doubt that, simply check your email inbox and see how many businesses and organisations have sent you information today alone about what they offer. The businesses...
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Automated email marketing hints and tips

The aim of automated email marketing is essential to build a list so that you don't have to worry about getting traffic anymore, as your list is essentially all the traffic you'll ever need. When you want to promote a product you have created or an affiliate product, all you need to do is send out an email and you get more money than you used to get paid in one year, in one day! Of course, this...
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The power of automated email marketing

Automated email marketing happens to be one of the best tactics for online marketing today. In fact, there are many marketers out there making a huge amount of money by using this option. All of them have an autoresponder account and in most cases they simply sell the products or services of someone else. There truly is power in this marketing technique. If you are wondering whether you should...
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How email marketing benefits businesses of all shapes and sizes

Setting the scene E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing, which is used to communicate for commercial or fund-raising messages to an audience. Email marketing concept has dynamically changed the companies' style of marketing of their businesses. Email helps companies speak or express any fresh idea or info more quickly and happily than ever in the past. Similarly, it helps companies by...
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Keeping within the rules with when using SMS & Email Marketing

The use of SMS and email marketing is huge globally. Businesses adore the access this gives them to their customers and it's a great way to get current information, great deals, and important pieces of news out that customers are not going to want to miss. However, in order to use both SMS and email marketing it is imperative that businesses understand that there are rules. Not following the...
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