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Bulk E-mailing Best Practices for Senders in How-to Guides

1. Ensure that the "From:" name reflects who is sending the message. In the same vein, the Subject should be a brief summary of what the message is about, and the message body should clearly and ...

What is the “mobile viewport”? in How-to Guides

The viewport is the user's visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages ...

How do I know if a call, text, or email from O'Brien Media is real? in Administration and Billing

Emails and email addresses You can then confirm if the team member is from O'Brien Media by checking their email address, which may include one of the following: ...

How do I create a link to open a PDF document at a specific page? in How-to Guides

HTML pages can contain links that open PDF files within a web browser by using an Adobe Acrobat product (Adobe Acrobat Professional or Standard, Adobe Acrobat 3D, or Adobe Reader) plug-in that is ...

General scale of charges, account fees, standard hosting features and quotas, domain name pricing in Administration and Billing

/*! elementor-pro - v3.22.0 - 24-06-2024 */ .elementor-widget-table-of-contents .elementor-toc__header-title{color:var(--header-color)}.elementor-widget-table-of-contents.elementor-toc--collapsed ...

What is my IP address? in Website Hosting, FTP/SFTP, DNS, mySQL, and MariaDB

Your IP address is: Please copy and paste the numbers in bold above into your reply to the support request asking for your IP address.

Configure your iPhone/iPad "Mail" app to access your email account in Email on Mobile and Mac

Getting started If you need to set up your email account manually, make sure that you know the email settings for your account. You can contact us if you are unsure of your O'Brien Media email ...

What is the three-month rolling agreement and why is it different to my monthly payment cycle? in Administration and Billing

A three-month rolling agreement is a contractual arrangement where your commitment to our services lasts for three months, but this agreement renews every month. It is important to distinguish this ...

Emergency support issues in Administration and Billing

Managing User Passwords in O'Brien Media Email in Email Software and Settings