Month: July 2018
It's happening! All HTTP pages will be marked "not secure" as of Chrome 68 🔐 Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) July 24, 2018
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Get an app for your business quickly (and cheaply) with a progressive web app
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a new technology that creates a middle ground between your website and a mobile app downloaded and installed through an app store. They are installed on the phone like a normal app (usually via a prompt on your website) and can be accessed from the home screen. Users can come back to your website by launching the app from their home screen and interact with your...
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Quick read: 4 Reasons to switch to HTTPS – RIGHT NOW!
Why make the move to HTTPS? #1 Google Said So Google have given us several reasons to move to HTTPS, but the main reasons are Encryption, Data Integrity and Authentication. This just means an overall more secure site for users, which is especially important when handing over sensitive data. Bear in mind, your site may still be vulnerable to attacks and hacks, the HTTPS doesn’t solve and...
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Third party servicesGenerally, third-party providers used by us will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us. In a digital economy it is impossible to operate without the services provided by third-party service providers.Below is a list of third-party service providers we use, and how we use their...
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