Day: 16 August 2019

Sarah Krouse reports that Automattic, the company behind WordPress, is buying Tumblr from Verizon. WordPress is the software reportedly powering a third of the world's websites and was itself originally focused on blogging. Tumblr was (and still is for the most part) the blogging service of choice for millions of young people, but floundered after being sold to AOL Yahoo and subsequently...
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Redirect Old Domain to New Domain via .htaccess
When you migrate a site from one domain to another, it is very important that you don’t break all the links that you built to your old domain. Proper redirection of all the pages on the old domain to the same location on the new domain will ensure that visitors to the old domain will end up in the right place. A failure to redirect will result in a loss of visitors as well as search engine...
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