Year: 2021

In order to fully understand ecommerce, let's look at its history. In general, businesses can be classified into six main types of ecommerce: B2C. B2B. C2C. C2B. B2A. C2A. Now let's take a closer look at each type of electronic commerce. 1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C). In B2C ecommerce, a business conducts transactions with a consumer. In the context of ecommerce, B2C is one of the most popular...
Read More In 2022, what should you watch out for in terms of SEO?
Contents Will Be Sorted By Relatedness And Accuracy Relationship between the query and the content: It will no longer be possible for misleading titles with irrelevant content to appear in the search results. Content with reliable and relevant information is increasingly recognized by Google's algorithm. Expect SEO to be more competitive with high-quality content that is helpful to internet users...
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Covid-19 Update – Omicron Covid Measures
From 13th December 2021 some of our team will be working from home, you may hear some background noise during calls with these team members. Please rest assured that your personal information and other confidential project information is still handled securely and that progress on projects is continuing as normal. Due to the work we do supporting essential business we will maintain a presence in...
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Improving Brand Awareness with Social Media Is Easy in 8 Steps
As consumers, we mention so many brand names when referring to the products they produce. "Cadburys", "Nando's", "BMW", "Tesco", and others are among the examples we could mention. Product eponymization is the process of generalizing a brand's name. As for brand awareness in general, it plays an integral role. Where does brand awareness come from? In other words, it refers to how well a brand can...
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WordPress 5.9 Beta 1 is now available for testing!
WordPress 5.9 is software is under development. You don’t want to run this version on a production site. Instead, it is recommended that you run this on a test site. This will allow you to test out the new version. We will be testing WordPress 5.9 Beta 1 on customer websites where a support agreement with 3 or more hours is in place (testing takes approx 1 hour on an average website). The...
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Free SEO Audit
This free report, compiled by one of our SEO experts, details how your website performs in terms of different and important SEO ranking factors. We hope this audit can help to identify where your SEO needs support and where you need to focus time and attention to increase your website's visibility in Google searches.Get your SEO audit today...Please include your website address, keywords, and...
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#DeliveringDigitalDreams at The 43rd Business Show with our LinkedIn Selfie Board
Check out the Exhibitors selfies from The Business Show Cloud9 Fulfilment TitanIAm AR Healthcare and Pharma CountingUp CreditSafe Muse StartUp Magazine Razor Global Solutions 1 Leadoo AnkorStore Business Advice Line TBS Razor Global Solutions 2 BusinessesForSale.com Amaya Sales Cymphony Empower Workplace Solutions BusinessBox The Institute of Aesthetics Medi Spa Clinic PinPoint Recruitment...
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Amazon set to ban Visa credit cards in the UK from January 2022
Amazon today said it would stop taking card payments from Visa credit cards issued in the UK, citing the high cost imposed by the card company. An email to customers said: “Starting 19 January 2022, we will unfortunately no longer accept Visa credit cards issued in the UK "due to the high fees Visa charges for processing credit card transactions." Customers were advised to update their...
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WordPress 5.8.2 is now available!
This security and maintenance release features 2 bug fixes in addition to 1 security fix. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All versions since WordPress 5.2 have also been updated. WordPress 5.8.2 is a small focus security and maintenance release. The next major release will be version 5.9. You can download WordPress 5.8.2 by...
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O’Brien Media on Swindon 105.5’s Girls about Town programme
Chris from our team was on Swindon 105.5's Girls about Town programme between 10 and 11am on Wednesday 10th November, with some key tips on how to stay safe online: Have a different password for everything. That way if one is hacked, they have no access to anything else. Some of the best passwords are sentences- who knew? Don't answer those quizzes on Facebook asking you who your favourite...
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