
Recently, the development team of the WPML (WordPress Multilingual) plugin team was notified and revealed the top-level detail, of an issue that allows unauthorized access to some WPML internal features such as those used for configuration of translation jobs and changing plugin settings. It’s important to note that this vulnerability is only accessible to registered site users, not just any...
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Microsoft, responding to sophisticated cyberattacks
Microsoft is aware of a sophisticated supply chain attack that has targeted a variety of victims over the past year. The attack utilizes malicious SolarWinds files that possibly gave cybercriminals access to some victims’ networks. Microsoft cybersecurity experts are investigating the attack to help ensure that Microsoft customers are as secure as possible. Microsoft has commented "Microsoft is...
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Post Grid WordPress Plugin Flaw Found “Patch it sharpish if you use it…”
Two high-severity vulnerabilities in Post Grid, a WordPress plugin with more than 60,000 installations, opens the door to site takeovers, according to researchers. To boot, nearly identical bugs are also found in Post Grid's sister plug-in, Team Showcase, which has 6,000 installations. The issues are a cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw as well as a PHP object-injection issue. Both bugs are pending...
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Is your website’s front door wide open to WordPress hackers?
It is frustrating to find out that your WordPress site has been hacked, recently one of our customers asked us why do hackers target WordPress? The answer is usually, in part at least, due to the very reason that WordPress is such a popular content management system for websites, its active developer community and the volume of free plugins and free themes available to customise your site without...
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Why you shouldn’t keep inactive WordPress plugins installed
Plugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact forms, eCommerce and much more. Being so critical to your website means they have deep access to the inner workings of your site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date to ensure your site stays secure, safe for your visitors, and online and accessible. Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers, including hackers who...
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Cybercrime: Europe’s Most & Least Secure Countries
Specops Software has released data showing the countries in Europe most and least susceptible to cyber crimes. The company analysed the total number of cloud provider related incoming attacks as well as cryptocurrency mining, malware and ransomware encounters on machines in each country. The Netherlands has the highest rate of machines that experienced one of the above attacks at 17.64 percent...
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Your password is your first line of defense against hackers, so make it a good one
Combine unrelated words to make stronger passwords To create a strong password, try combining two or more unrelated words. It could even be an entire phrase. Then change some of the letters to special letters and numbers. The longer your password, the stronger it is. A single word with one letter changed to an @ or ! (such as p@ssword!) doesn’t make for a strong password. Password cracking...
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WordPress 5.2.4 Release Addresses Several Security Issues
The core WordPress team released version 5.2.4 of WordPress on October 14th 2019. The release addresses six security issues that were all privately reported through WordPress’ responsible disclosure procedure. Like any security release, users should update immediately to the latest version to keep their sites secure. All major branches of WordPress from version 3.7 to 5.2 received the new...
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Google Chrome announces roll-out of mixed content blocking, beginning January 2020
The Google Security Team has announced a timeline for when Chrome will begin blocking mixed content by default in order to ensure that HTTPS browsing is more secure. Mixed content refers to HTTPS pages that load resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets, and scripts, over HTTP. The gradual rollout will begin with Chrome 79, which is scheduled for release in December 2019. The browser...
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O’Brien Media are Cyber Essentials Certified via IASME and CyberSmart
The growing threat of cyber-related crime is quickly becoming a major concern for most organisations and business leaders. With regular reports of high-profile businesses falling victim to cybercrime across the globe, it’s the responsibility of every organisations to ensure they adequately protect themselves and their customers. What is Cyber Essentials? Cyber Essentials is a cybersecurity...
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