WordPress 6.1: Everything You Need to Know About the New Release

WordPress 6.1 drops on November 1, 2022, and with it comes a bevvy of new features and benefits for WordPress users and our Website Support and WordPress Support customers. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most exciting changes that are coming in WordPress 6.1!

Automatic Conversion to WebP Format

The WebP format is a modern image format that offers better and lossless image compression. With WP 6.1, the automatic creation of alternative file formats will be supported.

WebP is the more efficient image format that Google introduced in 2010 as an alternative to JPEG and PNG. The primary advantage of WebP over these other formats is file size; WebP images are typically smaller, which leads to faster loading times for pages on the Internet.

When a JPEG image is uploaded, WordPress can automatically create both a WebP and sub-sizes of the JPEG format. Developers can still override the default settings to determine which image format to use if they so choose.

WordPress 6.1 Twenty Twenty-Three Standard Theme

The new standard theme is what caught most of our eye and it’s one of the most thrilling aspects of WordPress 6.1. We still haven’t decided if this will be more appealing to end-users or developers.

If you have ever used the free website provided by Google Business Profile, you are familiar with the one-click theme design offered for your business listing. This is a free resource that many small businesses utilise not only for a local SEO advantage but for other reasons as well.

These are just some of the many changes coming in WordPress 6.1! Be sure to stay tuned for more information about this upcoming release. WordPress 6.1 is sure to be a game-changer for the WordPress community and will be automatically set up for our WordPress Support and Website Support customers who use WordPress.