
Web design trends: 2018 will be about negative space and typography

In 2018 designers will be making greater and greater use of negative space. Particularly on mobile, speedy, light-weight pages are essential. Flashy, gimmicky design is passé and even images are becoming old-school. Everything on the page is there for one purpose: To increase conversions. Clean, simplistic page designs were already the in thing in 2017. We’re taking minimalism to a whole new...
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Cookie Policy: How we use cookies

This policy sets out how we ("Pembroke Digital Limited" trading as "O'Brien Media") use cookies within the services we provide. Cookies and how they Benefit You Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites Our cookies help us:...
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Keep your WordPress or Drupal website up-to-date to stay safe from hackers

How often should you update your WordPress or Drupal, themes and plugins/modules? The short answer is as often as possible... and here's why. The main reason for this is security. WordPress & Drupal sites are prime targets for hackers. These hackers don't want to bring you down because they dislike you, in fact most of these hacks originate from bots crawling the web, looking for WordPress...
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Mobile friendly website for Stone Keeping by Stonetech Flooring Ltd.jpg

Mobile friendly website for Stone Keeping by Stonetech Flooring Ltd

After 25 years in business Stonetech Flooring Limited wanted to start trading a new brand, Stone Keeping, providing sealing, repair, cleaning, and restoration services to customers across the south of England. O'Brien Media were commissioned to create a new website for the Stone Keeping brand. We developed a clean and modern mobile friendly design, based on the WordPress content management...
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If you want to enable the Automatic Updates of Helpie Plugin,  you must first enter the API Personal Token generated by Envato. Remember, this personal token is not your purchase code. To generate a Personal Token from Envato, you need to follow these steps: Go to the Envato Token Generator to create a Personal Token. Enter a Token Name, select I have read checkbox and click on "Create a new...
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Grow your business with a responsive, mobile friendly, website

Responsive websites are viewed comfortably on any device available. Users of these websites should not need to resize or pan in order to make sense of the content they view. The need for scrolling should also be reasonable for such a website. Many organisations serve entirely different versions of their websites to users using mobile devices and desktop computers. Why go responsive As many people...
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Important Google changes that could affect your business

On October 27th, a new version of Google Chrome will be released that will prominently label any site without an SSL Certificate as “non-secure” in the browser bar. You will be affected by this change if your website contains input fields (such as a contact form), asks for passwords or any other sensitive data, or is visited in incognito browsing mode. That means it’s now more important...
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Mobile friendly responsive website for Royal Wootton Bassett based Green Labyrinth Training.jpg

Mobile friendly responsive website for Royal Wootton Bassett based Green Labyrinth Training

When Royal Wootton Bassett based training specialists Green Labyrinth Training needed to replace their website with an easy to manage site with a visual design created around their existing branding we jumped at the chance. We swapped out their Drupal 7 based website with a bespoke WordPress site, with custom content types and functionality to allow easy management and display of various offline...
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Installing Helpie Plugin

You can purchase the Helpie WordPress Knowledgebase Plugin from the CodeCanyon. After purchasing the plugin, download the zip file from your CodeCanyon downloads page here: http://codecanyon.net/downloads Unzip the downloaded file, and then inside, you’ll find a file named “helpie.zip”. This is the official plugin zip file that can be uploaded/installed. From your WordPress Admin, click...
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