Day: 26 October 2018

WordPress 5.0 is still software in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site, but it's advisable to test your site with the new version to make sure there are no issues and to allow time to fix anything that does go wrong. Please contact us if you need your website tested with WordPress 5 and we'll be happy to take a look and provide an estimate for testing....
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Using local SEO to target customers in your area
If you follow Google guidelines to get a decent amount of traffic on your site, you know one thing for sure and that is SEO changes from time to time. Right? Since Google rolled out Pigeon update in July 2014, Penguin 4.0 during 2016 and more recent updates throughout 2018, local competition has been heating up fiercely. So, if you are on the lookout for a way to target the customers of your...
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