Small Business

Spring is officially here and it’s time to deep clean, reorganise, and declutter everything from your closet to the garage. Giving your place a deep clean is a great way to revamp your surroundings and celebrate a transition into a new season. I love giving my house a spring cleaning because when my life is organised, I can accomplish more and feel less stressed doing so. You can also take...
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Instagram is an awesome way for small businesses to engage with customers
Many businesses are now using Instagram as part of their PR strategy to share information with their customers and target audiences. Instagram is a fantastic way for small businesses to engage with audiences, show them what you’re up to, and continue building strong relationships. Here are a few Instagram engagement tips you should use at your business. 1. Know your message/have your own style...
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5 advantages of email marketing
The meteoric rise in popularity of social media over recent years may have made you – and other business owners – wonder whether email marketing has had it's day. On the contrary, email marketing is still a powerful tool. If you doubt that, simply check your email inbox and see how many businesses and organisations have sent you information today alone about what they offer. The businesses...
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Using local SEO to target customers in your area
If you follow Google guidelines to get a decent amount of traffic on your site, you know one thing for sure and that is SEO changes from time to time. Right? Since Google rolled out Pigeon update in July 2014, Penguin 4.0 during 2016 and more recent updates throughout 2018, local competition has been heating up fiercely. So, if you are on the lookout for a way to target the customers of your...
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There’s plenty of advantages when it comes to webmail (web based email)
As you may know, there are two popular ways to access email – through webmail (such as the webmail service that comes with every website hosting and email hosting package we provide at O’Brien Media) and with email clients such as Outlook, Thunderbird or Windows Mail. Webmail is generally an easier way to get started as there’s nothing to install on your PC, Mac or Smartphone and you...
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Just like the crisps in your cupboard, your website has a best before date
Think your website might be outdated? Maybe it is. To continue generating leads and increasing sales it’s important to keep up with popular trends and regularly updating the elements of your website. If you notice your conversion rates are slipping, your website design could be the cause. 94% of people say that first impressions matter when they visit a business website, and the design will...
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Some of the key benefits of SEO in 2018
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a specialised research-driven process of analysing and editing your web site content in order to increase where the pages on your site rank (appear) for specific search terms in search results pages on sites like Bing and Google. By targeting strategic key phrases that appeal to your target audiences, SEO allows you to be found by national, regional, or local...
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