a person checking a eCommerce on a mobile inside of a shop

Is your website suffering from Mobile-Unfriendliness?

It’s remarkable to see in 2019, but many websites still seem to treat mobile visitors almost as an afterthought. It’s still not uncommon to find a mobile site where items are misaligned, overlapping, formatted strangely or subject to some other oversight from the designer, all of which can signal to a visitor that your company doesn’t take the time to go over little details.

It’s worth remembering that catering for mobile users is not “serving a niche”, it’s now the most important part of the job. Statista reported that 52.2% of all Internet traffic happened on mobile phones in 2018 (up from 50.3% the previous year), proving that desktop browsing is actually now the less-used way to explore the web.

Coupled with Google’s algorithm change in March 2018 to prioritise mobile-first indexing, there is now no reason at all to neglect the mobile experience of your website.

A low-quality mobile site can negatively affect your SEO performance as well as the experiences of your users, so it’s important to get it right.