Google Vertex AI Crawler: What It Means for Your Website

Google has recently introduced a new AI-powered web crawler named “Google-Extended,” which is part of its Vertex AI platform. This development has significant implications for website owners and digital marketers, particularly those focused on SEO and content strategy.

What is Google Vertex AI?

Google Vertex AI is a comprehensive machine learning platform that provides tools for developing, deploying, and managing AI models. The addition of the Google-Extended crawler to this platform represents a significant step forward in how Google collects and processes web data. Unlike traditional web crawlers that primarily focus on indexing and ranking content, Google-Extended is designed to gather data to improve AI models, particularly in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.

How Does Google-Extended Work?

Google-Extended functions similarly to traditional web crawlers but with an added focus on gathering data that enhances Google’s AI capabilities. This crawler scans websites to collect information that can be used to train and refine AI models, helping Google improve its understanding of language, context, and user intent. This means that the data your website provides could directly influence the performance and accuracy of Google’s AI-driven features, such as its search algorithms and conversational AI tools.

Why Should Website Owners Care?

For website owners, the introduction of Google-Extended brings both opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, if your website is regularly crawled by Google-Extended, it could mean that your content is contributing to the development of more sophisticated AI models. This could lead to better search engine visibility and improved user experience as Google’s AI becomes more adept at understanding and delivering relevant content.

However, there are also considerations to keep in mind. For instance, the increased crawling activity from Google-Extended could impact server load, particularly for smaller websites with limited resources. Additionally, because the data collected by Google-Extended is used to train AI models rather than directly influence search rankings, it might not result in immediate SEO benefits.

How to Manage Google-Extended on Your Website

Google provides options for website owners to manage how Google-Extended interacts with their sites. By using the “robots.txt” file, you can control whether or not this crawler has access to your site. This is particularly useful if you are concerned about server load or if you do not wish your site’s data to be used in AI training.

To block Google-Extended from accessing your site, you would add the following line to your “robots.txt” file:

User-agent: Google-Extended
Disallow: /

Alternatively, if you want to allow the crawler but with restrictions, you can tailor the “robots.txt” file accordingly.

Implications for SEO and Content Strategy

The introduction of Google-Extended highlights the growing importance of AI in SEO and content strategy. As AI models become more sophisticated, they will play a larger role in how content is indexed, understood, and ranked by search engines. This means that creating high-quality, contextually rich content is more important than ever.

Content that is clear, well-structured, and relevant to user intent is likely to perform better as Google’s AI models continue to evolve. Additionally, focusing on user experience, mobile optimisation, and fast loading times remains critical, as these factors are increasingly being considered by AI-driven algorithms.


Google’s Vertex AI platform and the introduction of the Google-Extended crawler represent significant advancements in the way web data is collected and used. For website owners and digital marketers, this development underscores the importance of creating high-quality, relevant content that aligns with user intent. While the direct impact on SEO may not be immediate, the long-term benefits of contributing to Google’s AI capabilities could be substantial.

As the role of AI in search continues to grow, staying informed about these developments and adapting your strategies accordingly will be key to maintaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape. If you’re looking to optimise your website for these new advancements, O’Brien Media’s WooCommerce website services can help ensure your ecommerce website is well-prepared for the future of AI-driven search.