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The O’Brien Media Digital Insider Blog

Chris O'Brien

5 reasons Google search results may vary dramatically, even for identical searches

Like many people you may be a regular Google search user. Over time you may have noticed a strange phenomenon: Google search results vary, even on the same device, using the same browser and using the same keyword phrase or search term.

Users who are not well-versed in Google’s mysterious and ever-changing search algorithm may attribute this to simple error. However, these changes are actually quite intentional. While occasionally inconvenient for users, these search results variations can prove much more problematic for businesses and marketers.

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What are social signals, and why are they an increasingly important SEO factor
Chris O'Brien

What are social signals, and why are they an increasingly important SEO factor

Social signals are the likes, shares, votes, pins, or views people place on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media sites that filter out to the various search engines. 

A search engine's primary aim is to provide high-quality, relevant content to searchers. Search engines, such as Google, judge quality in large part by how frequently a URL is seen throughout the internet, and as more web communication has moved to social media, Google and other search providers have integrated social signals as a ranking signal. 

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Code and Development
Chris O'Brien

Fight back against email spoofing

SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework. It’s an email authentication method that helps identify the mail servers that are permitted to send email from a particular domain name. Using this validation method, ISPs can determine when spoofers and phishers are trying to forge emails from your domain name to send malicious email to your customers.

By using SPF you can not only help protect your customers but also get your emails accepted for delivery to email services such as Gmail and those provided by Microsoft who are increasingly looking at ways to prevent spam and phishing emails from reaching their customers' mailboxes.

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Email Marketing
Chris O'Brien

Automated email marketing hints and tips

The aim of automated email marketing is essential to build a list so that you don’t have to worry about getting traffic anymore, as your list is essentially all the traffic you’ll ever need. When you want to promote a product you have created or an affiliate product, all you need to do is send out an email and you get more money than you used to get paid in one year, in one day!

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Code and Development
Jenny Howell

Is your website software up to date?

Firstly, it's important to understand that the reason hackers and cyber criminals want to exploit vulnerabilities in content management systems and websites isn't necessarily just to steal all your user account, contact form, and other data, but also to infect your website visitors and users with malware.

Once the unsuspecting user is infected with malware they are quickly added to a botnet (which is essentially a large group of thousends of infected computers and devices) to be exploited at the malware operators will. This usually includes things like credit card theft, extracting private information or being activated to take part in a DDoS attack, spam attack or other malicious activity.

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