Year: 2019

We’ll be at stand 105 at the Southwest Business Expo on 4th July, see you there?
We like last minute decisions and so with less than a week to go before the event we've decided that we'll be exhibiting at Southwest Business Expo, Swindon - stand 105, just before you reach the entrance - and would love to meet you there on the 4th July (this coming Thursday) between 10am and 3pm at Steam Museum (Steam Museum, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, SN2 2TA) Date And Time Thu, 4 July 2019...
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Responsive, mobile-friendly website for Swindon based Morley&Co
We were approached by Swindon based Morley&Co, chartered certified accountants and business advisors, to create a new website to replace an existing website that had become difficult to manage. Morley&Co also had a new brand identity that they wanted to use on the website, so it was time for a change! We used WordPress, due to its ease of management and flexible feature set, to create the...
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Has your business been left with a half-finished website?
We’ve picked up a number of new clients recently who have had a website half-built by other web development agencies that have then become unresponsive, leaving our clients in the lurch. Unfortunately, this is all too common, but why does it happen and what can be done about it? There are cowboys in every industry, and web design is one of them. However a lot of the time this happens it’s...
Read More Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Agreement
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Twitter is removing support for precise geotagging – because no one uses it
Twitter is going to stop letting you add a precise geotag to your tweets, because there isn’t enough demand for the feature. In a tweet, the company’s support account said that it was removing the feature “to simplify your Tweeting experience.” However, you’ll still be able to tag the precise location of your photographs, and TechCrunch notes that you’ll also still be able to add...
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Don’t lose out on your .uk domain
If you have a,, or domain name did you know that your Right of Registration for the, shorter, new .uk domain registration is due to end on 25th June 2019 at 06:00 BST? As an example, if you own you may have a right to register the new, shorter, domain name (which Nominet have reserved for eligible domain name owners) - but that right ends soon. The...
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Is your website suffering from Mobile-Unfriendliness?
It’s remarkable to see in 2019, but many websites still seem to treat mobile visitors almost as an afterthought. It’s still not uncommon to find a mobile site where items are misaligned, overlapping, formatted strangely or subject to some other oversight from the designer, all of which can signal to a visitor that your company doesn’t take the time to go over little details. It’s worth...
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A new look for Google Mobile Search (May 2019)
Google's goal with Search always has been to help people quickly and easily find the information that they’re looking for. Over the years, the amount and format of information available on the web have changed drastically—from the proliferation of images and video to the availability of 3D objects you can now view in AR. Google's search results page has changed too over the years, to help...
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