Year: 2020

While a lot of attention is paid to Google and their Search Console service for webmasters, Bing still deserves a look in - after all Bing powers Yahoo search results as well as a lot of other smaller search engines so it's 2 for 1 on the big names when it comes to managing your site's ranking on Microsoft's Bing search engine. Microsoft's Bing team announced Tuesday at SMX London that Bing...
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Brochure website design on a quick turnaround for Enviro Services
We set up their Covid-19 cleaning service microsite as part of an email marketing campaign and for them to promote via social media. Everything was completed within days to allow for a timely email campaign to be sent when lockdown measures were starting to be eased in the UK and businesses and other organisations were looking for effective deep cleaning solutions for their premises. Website...
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One eye to the future for small business, post Covid-19
It seems at the moment the world is moving at lightspeed. The news every day is changing and, whilst some of the lockdown restrictions are being eased, we’re still very, very far from “normal”. I for one long for the days when Microsoft Teams was a bit of an irritation when I turned my computer on - here at O’Brien Media it’s now become central to the way we work together! ...
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Google Search algorithm update and Search Console data lag
As a search marketer and SEO specialists, we monitor changes in SEO outcomes and changes in Google's behavior when it comes to search results. Last week along with others, we noticed that recent broad core algorithm updates had resulted in a slow down in Google Search Console data and wanted to explain the possible reasons for this and why it might affect SEO monitoring for a short period of...
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Is your website’s front door wide open to WordPress hackers?
It is frustrating to find out that your WordPress site has been hacked, recently one of our customers asked us why do hackers target WordPress? The answer is usually, in part at least, due to the very reason that WordPress is such a popular content management system for websites, its active developer community and the volume of free plugins and free themes available to customise your site without...
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Why you need a separate business account as a sole trader or startup
For many new entrepreneurs, keeping things as simple as possible in the early days is key. Which is why using the same bank account for personal and business purposes is so common. While this reduces some friction in the early days, the time will come where you’ll need to separate them - especially as you acquire your first customers. In this article, we’ll explore why having a separate...
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Google rolling out a new core algorithm update today (4 May 2020)
Google has today confirmed that “Later today, releasing a broad core algorithm update, as do several times per year. It is called the May 2020 Core Update. guidance about such updates remains as we’ve covered before.” As of 20:50 GMT Google said the rollout has begun. It can take “about one to two weeks to fully roll out,” Google said. Whenever Google updates its search ranking...
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Small Business Spotlight: The Owl & The Dragon
Welcome to the first in a series of Small Business Spotlight posts, highlighting the hard work of amazingly talented small and micro retail and ecommerce business owners. We’re not just blogging about our clients this time. These are posts about businesses we have found via social media and where one or more of our team made a purchase that led to a “WOW!” moment. So prepare to read some...
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