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Letter of Instruction


This page shows an example of a letter of instruction and a form that allows you to create your letter of instruction, sign it, and send it to the O’Brien Media team.

If a registered company, charity, community interest company, or other committee-controlled organisation engages with O’Brien Media this document can be used as a template for a letter of engagement.  

This document, or another letter of instruction, is not required in all cases and does not need to be completed for other agreements and contractual arrangements to be valid.

We reserve the right not to accept a letter of instruction, or to accept work(s) requested under such a letter at our discretion without explanation.

Example letter

To O’Brien Media,

Letter of Authorisation for Services from Pembroke Digital Limited

I am writing to instruct Pembroke Digital Limited (trading as O’Brien Media) and its affiliates and agents on behalf of the [Customer Company] to act based on instructions and requests communicated in writing via email.

[Customer Company] takes full responsibility for all instructions made, that are legally carried out by O’Brien Media.

I, as an authorised representative of [Customer Company] in my capacity as [Customer Job Title], understand that the terms and conditions, contracts, and agreements outlined at https://obrienmedia.co.uk/legal apply to this agreement between us.

Should I have any questions about the relevant or applicable legal document I will raise this before making a request.

I understand that, unless expressly agreed in writing, technical support is chargeable if there is no service agreement in place on the account.

Yours faithfully,

[Customer Company]

Create, sign, and submit your letter

Once you have completed the name and address sections of the below form, your letter of instruction will be displayed ready for you to sign and submit to us.