
WordPress now accounts for 30.9 percent of websites, up 0.2 percent since May 1st, according to data from web technology survey company W3Techs. This represents a 5 percent increase in just under two and a half years, after WordPress hit the 25 percent mark in November of 2015, and climbed to 27% by 2016. By comparison, its nearest CMS rival, Joomla, has seen its usage jump from 2.8 percent to...
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WordPress user roles and limiting access to WordPress features
All of the recent headlines about GDPR and the importance of data security it's good to know that WordPress comes with five default user roles that help you control how individual users interact with every aspect of your website and the data it contains. Once you understand the capabilities of these five WordPress user roles, you can instantly assign or modify roles through the User screen on the...
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If you use the WordPress Contact Form DB plugin you need to manually upgrade
Without much of a fanfare, Contact Form DB has moved off of the WordPress.org plugin platform and over to code repository service GitHub.com. You can still used Contact Form DB but to you need to do a one-time manual upgrade to make your WordPress website see the new plugin and get its updates in GitHub instead of WordPress.org Download the latest release from Contact Form DB Releases on GitHub...
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WooCommerce 3.4 is now available with GDPR compliance features for your store
WooCommerce, the popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress is now available, after having been in development since January, and includes some essential tools relating to GDPR compliance and your website. While 3.4 is a “minor” release; meaning this version should be backwards compatible with sites running versions of WooCommerce greater than 3.0. It's still recommend that your site is tested...
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The GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – is here. What should website owners do now?
The new GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation - which came into effect on 25th May this year and replaces the current Data Protection laws across the UK and Europe. It's important that all businesses are aware of what it means for your them, as the consequences of not complying with the new regulations could be severe, with, worse case, fines of up to 20 million Euros for larger companies....
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Customiser updates, code checking and GDPR features in WordPress 4.9.6
WordPress 4.9.6 features a much improved Customiser workflow with design drafts, locking, scheduling, and preview links. What’s more, code syntax highlighting and error checking has arrived, and will make for a clean and smooth site building experience even easier. Finally, if all that wasn’t pretty great, WordPress has got a great new Gallery widget and improvements to theme browsing and...
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How website software updates are more important than ever with the introduction of GDPR
Whatever software and plugins you use for your website, regular updates are needed to fix bugs, increase security, enhance and add features, and generally improve performance. If you don’t update your website software, you may have issues in areas of website performance such as page load speed and web browser compatibility, and your site will be at greatly increased risk of hacking. How you...
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GDPR and website contact forms – basic steps you need to take
One of the key principles of GDPR is informed consent, and one of the main changes you'll probably need to make to your website ahead of the 25th May implementation date of GDPR is add storage and processing consent check-boxes to your website contact forms. Not just for marketing purposes It's important to note that this isn't just where you'll be collecting email addresses or other details to...
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Say “Hello!” to our new website!
It's been long overdue for a makeover, and after 2 months of development we're pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website. Old Links to our Website Any old links to pages and blog posts should continue to work, but if you find something that isn't working you can let us know using the "feedback" tab on the new site, by email to [email protected], or through the live...
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WordPress a good move to keep things simple
While switching from Drupal to WordPress means you may need to give up certain features and functionality, but those things don't matter if they complicate your ability to maintain and manage your website, to add improvements, or to complete software updates without the help (and costs) of a web developer. WordPress is far less complicated than Drupal This is the number one reason to choose...
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