
On the 31st January 2020 the UK left the European Union and enters the Brexit transition period. During this transition period, which runs until the end of December 2020, it will be business as usual for data protection and compliance according to the ICO. The ICO has confirmed that the GDPR will continue to apply. Businesses and organisations that process personal data should continue to follow...
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Searches starting “should I …” have grown over 65% in the past two years
Customers are researching early and often Today, people look to their phones for almost everything—from booking a restaurant to browsing for a new jacket, to learning about their digital banking options. They are looking for ideas and advice, researching every decision they make—no matter how small. For example, Google have found that mobile searches with the qualifier "should I ..." have...
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The O’Brien Media Website Analytics Service Agreement has been updated
The O'Brien Media Website Analytics Service Agreement has been updated to reflect the requirements of the GDPR. You can access the Website Analytics Service Agreement here, your continued use of the service indicates acceptance of the new service agreement, and the data processing agreement (addendum), which can be read here. We encourage you to read both documents fully so that you understand...
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If you’re spending time moving data between different systems you need to read this
Do you spend time moving data between your e-commerce website and your accounting software? Or is a chunk of your day taken up keeping your mailing list up to date with changes to customer details from your CRM system? If so read on and find out more about how integrating these systems could make your business more productive! Why integrate your business systems and processes? Keeping systems...
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Keeping our customers informed with our new monthly website performance reports
Hot on the heels of the "Year in review" website statistics email we sent out in January to clients who use our website hosting and analytics platform for their websites that summarised website performance during 2014 we're pleased to launch our new monthly website performance reports. Website analytics allow you to track the effectiveness - and usefulness - of your website. The new website...
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Keep on top of your data with a business data dashboard
A business data dashboard is an easy to read, one page summary of business information such as sales figures, contact centre performance, or customer growth to name a few. There are many advantages to making your business data available in this way, whether it's to a closed group of key stakeholders or to your whole business through the use of dashboard web apps or real time data shown on TV...
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We’re taking steps to block SEMalt and referrer spam from our hosting and analytics platforms
Over the past few months we've been seeing an ever increasing amount of "automated" and botnet generated referrer spam coming into websites hosted on our hosting platform and onto sites that we manage on other hosting services on behalf of our customers. This is a global problem affecting websites regardless of the type of site as the "visits" are all automated and generated randomly - so if...
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Are you making the most of your business data?
Data quality is a key component of any business. At its heart, data allows a business to build great and lasting relationships with customers – both internal and external. Building a consistent and holistic view of customers is not easy, however. It’s important to realise the importance of data granularity. For example, storing a customers name in discrete data fields (title, first name,...
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Block referrer spam from hosting platforms
Over the past few months we've been seeing an ever increasing amount of "automated" and botnet generated referrer spam coming into websites hosted on our hosting platform and onto sites that we manage on other hosting services on behalf of our customers. This is a global problem affecting websites regardless of the type of site as the "visits" are all automated and generated randomly - so if...
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Place name data for UK Towns, Cities and Villages with Counties
This is the source data we use for the address auto complete fields in our internal CRM system. It's based on data from various sources and cleansed as far as possible to remove duplicates. It's ideal to be used with jQuery auto complete fields and we use it pulled from a mySQL database table. There are currently 48,423 records in the attached csv file. This CSV file is offered on an...
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