Google Search

As a search marketer and SEO specialists, we monitor changes in SEO outcomes and changes in Google's behavior when it comes to search results. Last week along with others, we noticed that recent broad core algorithm updates had resulted in a slow down in Google Search Console data and wanted to explain the possible reasons for this and why it might affect SEO monitoring for a short period of...
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Google’s change to the “nofollow” link attribute and what it means
This past week Google announced that after 15 years, they plan to make a change to the way they handle the nofollow attribute on links. If you’re a blogger and you’re participating in affiliate programs or doing sponsored posts, you know that the nofollow attribute allows you to safely link to external sites without losing good standing with Google. Google’s news that it is to start...
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Mobile searches with the qualifier “for me” have grown over 60%
The fact is, people now want, and expect, information and advice relevant to their needs. People have realized that by being more specific in how they search, they can more quickly get to the information they’re looking for. A specialized pair of running shoes is one example. Shampoo for a certain type of hair is another. In fact, mobile searches for “shampoo for ____” are up 130% over the...
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Using local SEO to target customers in your area
If you follow Google guidelines to get a decent amount of traffic on your site, you know one thing for sure and that is SEO changes from time to time. Right? Since Google rolled out Pigeon update in July 2014, Penguin 4.0 during 2016 and more recent updates throughout 2018, local competition has been heating up fiercely. So, if you are on the lookout for a way to target the customers of your...
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Page speed is now a Google ranking factor for mobile searches
Google have confirmed that the “Speed Update,” as they're calling it, is now a ranking factor for mobile searches: People want to be able to find answers to their questions as fast as possible — studies show that people really care about the speed of a page. Although speed has been used in ranking for some time, that signal was focused on desktop searches. Today we’re announcing that...
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Google to mark HTTP pages as “not secure” from July 2018
How secure is your website? If you’re collecting sensitive customer information like passwords or credit card information, or even if you've got a contact form that can be used by customer to send you messages what are you doing to ensure and reassure customers their information is safe with your business? What’s HTTPS? HTTPS is the acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is a...
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Google changes their take on meta descriptions
While Google has recently been showing search result snippets featuring long meta descriptions (around 320 characters) over the past few months, Google have once again changed the rules and snippets are now back to their old length (between 150 and 170 characters). Google’s Danny Sullivan confirmed that Google, in fact, has changed the meta descriptions. However, he doesn't say how long...
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