Month: January 2019
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We've been providing online and offline marketing services for 12 years! Doesn't time fly!
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Private tweets sent using Twitter’s Android app could have been exposed publicly for years
Twitter said it had discovered a security flaw which meant "protected" tweets became public when some changes were made to accounts. Anyone who updated the email address linked to their account between November 2014 and January 2019 could have had messages exposed, it said. Twitter said it had started to let affected users know about the bug. It added that it had turned the protections back on...
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Is Twitter Removing The Like Button?
Twitter CEO and founder Jack Dorsey has recently come out and insinuated that the "like" feature may well have a bit of a shelf-life. A report in the Daily Telegraph, cited by The Inquirer, revealed that Mr Dorsey is keen to remove the feature soon as he’s not especially keen on the heart-shaped button. The idea behind its removal is to improve the quality of debate on the microblogging...
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GDPR compliance support Find out more about how we can help you on your path to GDPR compliance. Find out more ESSENTIAL
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Contact Form 7 switching to reCAPTCHA v3 for invisible spam protection
Google's reCAPTCHA service protects your website against spam and other types of automated abuse. With Contact Form 7’s reCAPTCHA integration module, you can block abusive and junk contact form submissions and login attempts by spam bots that target pretty much any WordPress website on the internet. The latest version of the reCAPTCHA API is v3. Contact Form 7 5.1 and later uses reCAPTCHA...
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Top 5 ways to add social media icons to your WordPress blog or website
You work hard to create a professional website with educational content. You don’t want to get buried under all the other sites on the web. That’s where social media comes in handy. If you can create a customer base on Facebook or Twitter they’ll get your updates every day, and you’ll always be top of mind. Better yet, they might even share you work to their follower base. However, you...
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WordPress 5.1 will replace “blogging” references with “publishing”
WordPress 5.1 will replace the “Happy blogging” language in wp-config-sample.php with “Happy Publishing.” The next major release also cleans up a few other “blog” references by replacing them with the word “site.” A lot of tutorials and documentation will need to be updated. WordPress contributors are continuing to fine-tune the wording in various files to reflect its expanded...
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Social media SEO trends heading into 2019
There’s been talk about social media as a ranking factor for a long time. In 2010, Google said social media was a ranking factor (that means if you're on social media, your website will generally show above similar businesses who aren't on social media - at least in 2010). In 2014, the same search engine said that social media probably isn’t a ranking factor. "Probably" being the key word...
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