How do I know if a call, text, or email from O'Brien Media is real?

Emails and email addresses

You can then confirm if the team member is from O’Brien Media by checking their email address, which may include one of the following:


Phone calls and phone numbers

Phone calls from our team will show one of the following numbers in most cases unless the team member is calling from their direct line, if you are unsure take the representative’s name and/or extension number and call our head office on one of the numbers below:

  • We may call you from the following numbers:
    • 01793 239239 (+441793239239, 01793239239)
    • 01793 230654 (+441793230654, 01793230654)
    • 020 3642 6870 (+442036426870, 02036426870)
    • 0117 911 4717 (+441179114717, 01179114717)
  • We may send you SMS text messages from the following SMS only numbers:
    • 07860 033 633 (+447860033633, 07860033633)

If you are called by a member of the O’Brien Media team and want to confirm they are a genuine caller you can always call them back by calling any of our numbers and asking for them by name.

We have been asked why we have so many phone numbers, the short answer is that we use phone numbers to track our marketing activity – ensuring that we don’t waste money on marketing that isn’t working. We also have taken on the numbers of businesses that we have acquired over the years, which is why a Swindon based business has London and Bristol numbers!

SMS text and WhatsApp messages

We send SMS text messages in some cases; these will always come from the sender “OBrienMedia“, or from “07860033633” (an SMS only number) and with be prefixed with “O’Brien Media, 01793239239:”.

We are reintroducing two-way messing via SMS as part of our customer communication strategy, the number used for this is 07860 033633.

We are trialing WhatsApp messaging, WhatsApp messages will always come from 07869 359486 (+447869359486 or 07869359486)

Last updated byChris Grant (he/him)Chris Grant (he/him)