Switching .uk domain names to O'Brien Media if the domain provider goes out of business or won't cooperate

Customers whose domain name provider isn’t able to action a transfer, or has ceased trading, can do this directly if their domain name ends in .UK by following the advice from Nominet, below.

Nominet can be contacted on +44 (0) 330 236 9470 with any questions about your .uk domain name (that includes .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, and .uk)

  • You will need to do this directly through the Nominet Online Services at https://www.nominet.uk/go/login.
  • Once logged in you need to follow the registrar change process which is outlined here. https://help.theukdomain.uk/switch.
    • This link will take you to a video tutorial (included below) and an illustrated step-by-step guide on how to complete the process.
  • Please note, that there is a fee of £10 +VAT to make this change directly with Nominet (paid to Nominet, not O’Brien Media).
  • You will need to request the domain name tag be changed to “TOTALREG” and notify us when it is completed so that we can take on control of your domain name for you.

Video from Nominet

Contacting Nominet

For any .uk domain issues, Nominet is the authoritative body. They provide support and can mediate disputes between registrars and registrants. Visit their transfer guide for more information.

Nominet can be contacted on +44 (0) 330 236 9470 with any questions about your .uk domain name (that includes .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, and .uk)

Changing your IPS Tag directly through Nominet

If you cannot get your current registrar to change the IPS Tag of your domains to our tag then you will need to do it directly through Nominet.

Nominet is the governing body who looks after all .UK domain name registrations.

If you would like to change your IPS Tag via Nominet simply visit: https://secure.nominet.org.uk

Click the “First time logging in or forgotten your password?” link on that page.

Enter the email address that is associated with your domain name. This has to be the email address that was used when you first registered your domain name.

If you have forgotten or do not have access to that email you will need to follow the instructions on that page to re-establish your identity with Nominet.

Nominet will send an email to it containing a password to login to their system.

Login to their control panel and you will be able to manage all of your .UK domain names. In their control panel you will see an option to change the IPS Tag for your domain name, please follow their instructions, they may charge a small fee in order to do that.

Last updated byChris Grant (he/him)Chris Grant (he/him)